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9 Crown Monarch


Nick Knight: Guitar/Vocals

The name is Nick Knight, and as you can see from the rest of this website I belong to a band called 9 Crown Monarch. I'm pretty damn proud of this band, its the first band i've ever really been in and we're doin really good. And as for me ... I'm 19 years old, and I'm currently attending DCCC to fill some time while we get our name out. I've been playing guitar for almost 6 years now and I hope I've improved since then, but thats for you to decide. There is a lot of hard work and dedication that goes into this band, but none of it would be here without the infuence of the other musics around us, and I think that applies to any musician. But some of my influences are the legendary MetallicA, AC/DC, Guns 'N Roses, Godsmack, Linkin' Park, 12 Stones, Silvertide, and a couple others that I either can't remember or just dont wanna mention. Yeah.


Mike McGovern: Bass/Back-Up Vocals/Lyrics
Ok so, apparently my name is Mike McGovern and I'm in this band called 9 Crown Monarch. I started playing guitar around 6th grade for a year or 2 and then switched to bass and have been playing that ever since. I play an Ibanez 5 string, just incase you kiddies are interested. Some bands that have influenced me....Chevelle, I'm the biggest Chevelle fan I know, but everybody should check them out, cuz there crazy good. The Chili Peppers are amazing, there older stuff I may add. Flea is probally the greatest bassist hands down. Of course the older stuff like The Beatles, The Stones, The Ramones and such. I'll listen to pretty much anything rock, jazz, blues, metal. Just not a big fan of the Rap/Hip-Hop/Pop stuff, its over rated guys. Away from music I am a memeber of the wonderful senior class of 2006 of Kennett High School. I play a little lax and hockey on my free time. But music is my life, I just love being around it. I've got a little engergy too, so that goes hand and hand w/ rock I guess.  I guess I'm moving to Canada now that Bush won the election, I hope the band can stay together while I am in Canada for the next four years.


Jake Phillips: Drums/Back-Up Vocals/Lyrics
So the moment you have all waited, so patiently I might add, for. I hope it lives up to the hype. So, I was born Jacob William Phillips and I am the drummer of this so called amazing and outstanding rock band, 9 Crown Monarch. In case you couldn't tell, and these pictures don't help, I am the gorgeous intellectual of the band. I also have the huge ego. You may have noticed that my picture is on the side of the page opposite to nick and mike's. This is just one occurance of me being the different one. I find it is more fun to be different than anyone else. Sometimes at shows the other two will be wearing black and I will be wearing white, not a coincidence, although white does make me incredibly irresistable, right ladies. I don't attend Kennett High like the other two so don't come looking for me there pretty girls. I go to St. Mark's in that far off land of Delaware. I likes many a thing, mainly musical things, big fan of classic rock, grunge, hard rock, pretty much anything with real drums (of course), I say real drums cuz I'm not a huge fan of synthesised rap, hip hop and poppy stuff. I prefer the good ole wood, metal, and plastic. Though, sometimes I can be found getting down with some Snoop Dogg or Pharell or old school rap, I likes me some old school rap. I like marching band, too, but I'm no friggen band geek! I'm on the drumline, whole other spectrum. Not that there really even are band geeks, in our school's marching band that stereotype doesn't really hold true. I play the biggest bass drum, you know why.  I Love You.